
Membership Benefits
Becoming a member of our Breda Expats community means that you are welcome to attend activities and events, as well as workshops/lectures and talks which we host regularly for the benefit of our members. You will get to meet other like-minded Expats at our monthly gathering where you can expand your social network and share your experiences of living in the Netherlands.
We also organize cultural events such; St Patrick’s Day, Camoes Day Party,
Bonfire night, Ladies Sari night so that we can share and understand each other’s
cultural backgrounds.
All events are posted on the Breda Expats website.
Being part of the Breda Expat community means that you can keep up to date
with news and events that are happening in and around Breda through our
weekly What’s on Newsletter published on our website. We also provide support
and help with questions regarding relocating to Breda.
What does it cost to join?
At the moment there are no set members fees, however some events,activities,clubs etc may incur a small fee.
This may be for food, drink, materials and also towards the cost of running Breda Expats.
Fees for events and several sessions may be paid by bank transfer to our Rabobank account 1662.32.238
When paying by bank transfer please sate your name and event/activity you are paying for in the “Omschriving” section
Payment for clubs can be made in two ways:
Payment can be made each time you attend a session or you can pay for:
5 sessions at a time
10 sessions at a time (5%discount)
Or 20 sessions at a time (10% discount)
For more information regarding fees for each individual club or activity, please email the relevant contact person.
Companies and Organizations
If you or your company would like to provide membership for your employees, then you may want to become a sponsor/ partnership with Breda Expats. Employees of your organization could then benefit from discounted or no fees depending on the agreement with your company. Indivdual appointments are made with companies to discuss this possibilty. Email us to find out more.

How Do I Join?

Please contact us via or fill in our Contact form on the Contact us page.

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